Friday, September 19, 2008

It's been a while....

Good afternoon from my Aunt Jo's classroom at my high school...
Oh the joy of GRADUATION EXAMS.....
It's uneventful and boring, and I'm about to go insane.
After 4th block, I will be happily in the arms of my boyfriend.
*giggles and blushes*

This guy is amazing. He's sincere, respectful, and honest.
He has a job, is a freshman in college and has goals.
What more could I ask for?
The few weeks before I met him, I felt horrible, and I was in a depression. But something about him took a lot of that pain away. I didn't feel like anything could bring me down, and nothing has.
My question is:
Has anyone ever been asked out on Halo? XDDDD
It was sweet. He got on my friend's 360 and went online with one of his friends. Spelt out in these exploding boxes were the words: Jess will you go out with me?
*blushes again*
I'm really happy.
But I must make this short because they have hooked up a Wii in the classroom.
Peace and Love